"VURBANK," is a continuous experimental art venture that started in July of 2018. This project utilizes the persona or character "VURB" as a means to underscore the sovereignty of substantial creation over superficial, insignificant branding. "VURB" is also a parody of human interactions, self-presentation, and the erosion of personal identity compressed within Social Media by mimicking the mechanisms and behaviors of the digital landscape. The widespread culture of incessant self-branding has extended into personal lives, emphasizing external perceptions. Engaging in a world driven by parasocial dynamics leads to the commodification of self, reducing individuals to mere advertisements conforming to common norms. This shift is symptomatic of a society fueled by ignorance and driven by monetary and authoritative pursuits. Examining humanity's history reveals remarkable accomplishments born not from adversity but in spite of it. The pursuit of genuine coolness doesn't hinge on relevance or superficial edges; true authenticity surpasses such facades. Rejecting the preoccupation with superficialities is pivotal. Presently, our world is shaped by those driven by the quest for power and wealth, perpetuated by a lack of knowledge and entrenched ignorance. "VURBANK" encapsulates these concepts and will not end until society addresses its concerns or faces the consequences of it's own actions.